Health insurance premiums for UAE residents have increased by up to 35% in the last two months, with nearly a dozen companies implementing these hikes.

This trend of rising rates has been ongoing since the pandemic, with annual increases of 15% to 20% due to medical inflation. Compulsory health insurance was introduced in the UAE a few years ago, mandating employers to provide coverage for employees.
Parents are also required to purchase health insurance for their children if they are not covered by their employer. Despite the premium increases, the minimum premium for the Dubai Health Authority basic plan remains unchanged for employees earning below AED4,000 monthly.
However, for those earning above AED4,000, premiums have increased, particularly for married females between 18 to 45 and those sponsored by their husbands. Industry experts attribute the premium hikes to factors such as medical inflation, increasing costs of treatments and technology, an aging population, and chronic diseases. It is advised that residents secure an insurance plan promptly to ensure coverage in case of emergencies.