Embrace risks, embrace failure, for the next hurdle may lead to progress. Life is unpredictable and chaotic, but it also offers delightful surprises to those who stay resilient through the storms. Remain steadfast like a rock, and relish the joys that come your way.
Dubai is a city that has welcomed people from over 250 countries, and Nada Ahmed El Gazzar is one of them. Originally from Egypt, Nada has been living in Dubai for the last 16 years with her family. She is currently a Quality & Excellence Advisor at Zayed University, as well as an NLP Trainer and Coach, Certified CBT Coach & EFQM Assessor.

Nada’s journey started in Alexandria, Egypt, where she attended the German School. She was raised in a diverse culture that has helped her to accept different nationalities and religions.
This intelligent woman started working at a young age and had the opportunity to do internships during her school time. After graduation, she immediately landed a job at a prestigious petroleum company, while also studying Business Administration at the Faculty. Her corporate career started at Bibliotheca Alexandrina, a modern library and cultural center located in Alexandria, Egypt.
In 2008, Nada moved to the UAE with her family and has been working in the corporate field for 16 years. During this time, she has acquired many certificates in Leadership and Management, which has supported her development and helped her move into higher positions.

Nada recently won the Stevie Awards for Women in Business – Social Change maker of the year, and has also won six other awards in women leadership. She has conducted more than 40 empowerment and coaching workshops, trainings, and assessments, and has published her first book in 2022. Her journey inspires many people around her to keep going, and her two beautiful teenage daughters are the first to be inspired.
“I was fortunate to write my success story with 17 other ladies from all across Africa. It took a lot of efforts, challenges, grit and commitment to reach to these milestones, but what I’m truly grateful for is that my journey inspires many people around me,” she said.
Dubai gives fortune
Dubai has become Nada’s second home, and she truly loves the city. As a city with a lot to offer, Dubai has certainly earned its place as a leading global city and a popular destination for tourists and business travelers alike.
Nada’s career in the UAE has been filled with exciting experiences, as she has worked in different government sectors such as Oil and Gas, Electricity and Water, Shipping, Transportation, and Education.
She has enjoyed working in the Quality and Excellence field, building capabilities in the organizations, training employees, raising awareness, and applying for and obtaining more than 20 individual and corporate awards. As a Certified EFQM assessor, Nada has conducted many assessments, which have contributed to her development and success.

Nada enjoys going to the beach, visiting unique restaurants, hotels and cafes with family and friends, and attending international conferences and events where she speaks as a keynote public speaker.
She added, “I got to know many friends and colleagues from different nationalities, an opportunity that I appreciate a lot.”
Aside from it, Nada also arranges empowerment and coaching workshops in multiple languages in the areas of Business and Personal Excellence, Women empowerment, and Youth empowerment that would engage people from different nationalities.
Nada’s life after work is dedicated to activities that benefit other people. She founded programs across the UAE, “Renew You” & “Raising emotionally intelligent children,” where she coaches and empowers kids and adults to know more about emotional intelligence, self-love, and adopt a growth mindset.
She has been interviewed on more than ten TV shows and radio stations in the UAE and Egypt, where she raises awareness about crucial topics that matter in life.
In conclusion, Nada Ahmed El Gazzar is a woman who has achieved great things through her hard work, dedication, and commitment. She is an inspiration to many, and her journey shows that true happiness and fulfillment lie in developing wisdom and virtue, and in learning to accept the things that are beyond our control.

Her positive attitude and willingness to help others are what make her an exceptional person. Dubai is fortunate to have such an outstanding individual.
“I would like to really encourage everyone to explore more about themselves, capitalize on their strengths and work on their areas of improvement. Life is full of opportunities. Never shy off to move forward when opportunity knocks the door,” she said.