Emirates records over 14 million passengers during busy summer travel season

The busiest summer season ever for Emirates, the biggest international airline in the world, saw it transport over 14 million passengers with an average seat fill factor of over 80% over its extensive worldwide network between June and August. 

Travel demand is still strong despite economic challenges, demonstrating the continued value of global air connectivity for a variety of objectives. 

During the summer months, Dubai draws two million visitors, demonstrating its continued popularity as a travel destination. The UK, India, Germany, Saudi Arabia, China, and other countries were important foreign markets for Dubai. 

Over 35% of tourists were families, and they stayed for an average of more than two weeks to see the city’s attractions.

Emirates anticipates a rise in demand for travel to the city as a result of the events and conferences that Dubai will hold soon. Emirates ran almost 50,000 flights to and from 140 locations between June and August.


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