“What keeps me going? My passion for entrepreneurship. I’ve always been a driven person. So, turning concepts into budding businesses gives me my kick. I also have a four-year-old who I strive to be a good role model for every day,” says Rosa Bullock, who was born and raised in Birmingham, UK.
“I had a pretty idyllic childhood. I watched my parents set up and run their businesses. With friends in Dubai, a trip here was always a given. I fell in love with Dubai on my first visit. A few months later, I packed my bags and moved here.
Several years later, I’m raising a family here. My daughter, Ayda Grace, is truly a citizen of the world. She was born and is growing up here, and I’m excited about her journey, too,” says Rosa who has a BA in Fashion Management and Marketing from London College of Fashion – University of the Arts London.
She said she embarked on a journey to Dubai because of “the sun, sand and opportunities – the usual expat answer.”

“Not a single day goes by without me appreciating all of this. I pursue all the opportunities Dubai sends my way on weekdays. And I soak up its abundant sunshine every weekend with my family. When the weather’s cooler, we love our family camping trips in the desert. We’ve made some great memories,” says Rosa who has been in Dubai for the past eight years.
“Dubai is a city that demands moderation. You can go to a AED1,000 brunch. You can also get an ice cream for one dirham. It’s all relative. I’m a huge fan of discount apps. If you manage your money well, you can have a nice life in Dubai on a budget,” she says.
A public relations (PR) guru, Rosa has launched and led Sociate; an integrated communications agency; SOCIATE UK, the agency’s creative branch in London; and Socialite, an influencer relationship agency.
“Treat every single person you meet with respect. Also, if you say you’re going to do something, follow through. You may meet someone amazing but forget to actually email them and move things ahead. You’ll be surprised how many fantastic opportunities we miss out on because we fail to take that important first step. Send that email, make that call – they may only take five minutes,” Rosa says.