Shehab Eldin Mohamed, the ‘cool dude,’ is happy tourists are back
Shehab Eldin Mohamed, born and raised in Cairo, Egypt, arrived in Dubai two years back and soon after was buckling down to work. But like thousands of expats in the city, he lost his job last year during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.
So much was lost that he ended up unable to keep up with his rent, thanks to the room owner, he was able to survive harsh times.
These days, Shehab is almost always in all smiles. Working at a travel agency, things have started to get back to normal.

“My journey in life is to work and fight for a better life,” says Shehab, who indulges himself to Turkish coffee in the morning before going to work.
His job, Shehab says, has made him realize he has nothing else to hold on to in life.
Having been in Kuwait City and Doha, Shehab says Dubai is “really expensive.”
“But we deal with it,” he said.