Dubai Customs intercepted 171,600 pills on two occasions

 The Customs Intelligence Management inside Dubai Customs successfully foiled not one, but two different efforts to transport regulated narcotics and restricted medications via air cargo. The entire haul was 171,600 pills. These operations, which include detailed analysis and precision targeting, highlight the department’s steadfast stance against illegal activity.

The first operation was a shipment of three boxes containing 96,600 tablets of the prohibited drug Cipralex totaling 57 kg. Concurrently, the second investigation found another complex smuggling effort including 75,000 pills of the illegal medicine Pregabalin, weighing 64 kg and dispersed across three shipments.

Dubai Customs maintains its essential position as a forerunner in protecting the community’s safety, security, and well-being. With the new milestone, the department has increased its efforts to combat the illegal trafficking of banned chemicals, emphasising its commitment to reducing their harmful impact on human health and society. This accomplishment is consistent with Dubai Customs’ unrelenting commitment to safeguarding the economy through tough procedures.

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